Kidz Hip Hop…Hurrah! And the Winners Are...
Edition 2024
Ready to discover the winners of the ninth edition of “Kidz Hip Hop… Hurrah!”? Who set the Danzainfiera 2024 floor on fire?


2vs2: Smile-ino e Anna Ira (Fundanza / Vibe Zone) FI
Bestshow: The Crash Crew (Asd B&C) TO
Crew vs crew: Fub Kidz (Fundanza) FI


2vs2: Ish e Loki
Best Show: Le Petits (Emozione Danza) LU
Crew vs crew: Fundanzers Kidz (Fundanza) FI


2vs2: Lollo e Baymax


Little D e Honey (Academy of Excellence) LU

Kidz Hip Hop… Hurrah! is a project created by Domenica Localock Barra and Maicol Smile Ortega, the Artistic Directors of Fundanza, to share hip-hop culture through performances by young and established contemporary talents ready to fiercely and enthusiastically compete on the Danzainfiera stage.

Peace, unity, love, and fun are the core principles of street culture that Kidz Hip Hop… Hurrah! has been highlighted once again during this ninth edition. These principles were embodied in the choreographies of these young artists, who exceeded all timeline expectations with their passion and energy.

But Kidz Hip Hop…Hurrah! is about more than just announcing winners; it celebrates a lifestyle. Embodying the "hand and fist" gesture - a sign of respect before and after a face-off - it honors self-respect, others, and the roots of a culture born from the talent and dedication of Bronx youths. This mindset is revived today by young dancers who hold dear the values of integration, inclusion, and belonging to a community akin to family. This sentiment resonates strongly in the experiences shared by participants of this KHHH! event, like Martin a.k.a Smile-ino. At only seven, having won three categories (2vs2 Baby, Crew vs Crew Baby, and Junior), he said his favorite part of Kidz Hip Hop Hurrah! was "That day was the best because all my friends were there, supporting me during the battles."